Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Holograms are something that are incredibly interesting to me. A hologram is a physical structure that diffracts light from an image. A 3D image is formed, ultimately being a hologram. Light beams are beamed in from a laser or other source of light to form this three-dimentional image. The illumination of the light creates the image.

Often times when people say hologram you think of things that you see in movies or films. The record of rays of light are coming off of all windows and thn recorded to reproduce them with a data set. A graphic set is used with laser light and image films one by one to position a scene known as a hologram. This 3D technology is one that you think of from Star Wars maybe, or other movies.

Ultimately, several light beams are shining through an object at different angles, recreating this new image known as the hologram. Holographic display could one day be a thing. As you see in this video, there is a new phone that could be creating a phone to project 3D images:

The illumination of the beam is being reflected off of the object and onto the recording medium platform. Another beam is being reflected right onto the recording beam. The intersection of these two beams interfere with one another. This interference is what results in the virtual image of the hologram.

The future of holograms is only increasing. With technology skyrocketing through the roof with various interfaces and high tech and high def beams and lighting and imagery, these holograms are only going to be more advanced than ever before. The study of holograms is becoming more popular, and different companies are using it more often for various types of work or display. It truly is becoming a more popular type of technology used in real life rather than just Star Wars and Iron Man.

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