Sunday, December 6, 2015

Class 9: Hypertext Markup Language

HTML comes from Hyperlink Markup Language. It was originally created as the language that makes it possible for computers to communicate. HTML allows different networks, platforms, operating systems, all to connect. It makes all of it possible for the web. It has the ability to create links to other pages, as well as formatting.

Originally, it was based on SGML (standard general markup language), but it no longer follows it. HTML is fundamental for the web to be the web. Without its capabilities, we would not have the web being what it is today. There are several versions of HTML, all in which are supported by modern browsers.

The basic HTML syntax shows how to make a basic HTML. The tags are necessary, being the "opening tag" and the "closing tag. They both look exactly the same, except for the slash. An attribute that tells the user a little more is very helpful for these elements. The language is extremely helpful in this case so they are aware beforehand. When you have code hinting turned on it helps very much. The name value of the attributes is very critical when creating these HTMLs. The format is critical as well, always having the topic.

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