Sunday, December 6, 2015


Immersive learning spaces are collaborated through the Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group. This development expands the services of Immersive Education. Immersive Education Study Rooms have been designed and developed to enhance education. Students can build and learn off one another in these Study Rooms by sharing a web browser and having access to one another's documents as well as collaborating with one another. This collaboration learning space is very beneficial for those who cannot meet in person. 

Bilingual educational virtual products are also a collaboration learning space that Immersive Education has introduced. This allows students to learn about ecological concepts. In this example, the Case Study Diagram takes advantage of bilingual educational resources. Mentoring, student-teacher involvement, parents support, STEM Career Exposure, and the development of the 21st century skills are just a few that are available in this learning space. Certain content is identified and reinforced in the game particular to certain cultures. 

Meetings are held once a month in learning spaces. This is very beneficial allowing virtual world meeting to be held at more convenient times. These teleconferences or virtual world meetings are usually held once a month, whereas face-to-face meetings are held twice a year to maximize working relationships. 

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